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Posts Tagged ‘finance seminar

How To Invest For YOUR Financial Future

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…and that also means your family’s financial future, too.

If you think 1,300 Pesos is too much money to spend for a half-day seminar on “personal finance planning,” you’re dead wrong. There are tons of training sessions and seminars out there being offered and conducted for thousands more; and people think that just because it’s being hosted by some “name brand” training and seminar company guarantees you to win. I’ve been to so many similar sessions in the past that all I got are some awakening moments but no substance. What substance, you say? A lot of these sessions miss out on the practicalities of doing things in Philippine soil. Many of these sessions have theoretical content gushing out the United States which, if you must know, is reeling from a severe recession that resonates in many of the First World and developed countries, worldwide. So, for a practical session on your personal finance using real Philippine experience, let an a Registered Personal Finance Planner and expert like Randell teach you how to do it right – and this time, succeed!

1,300 Pesos is about 60 Pesos daily for a month’s amount of working days. Want to go deeper? Think of working half-a-day only. That’s an investment of about 14 Pesos per hour. Or, you could NOT spend 300 Pesos every weekend of a month passing by the gasoline station convenience store and buying your favorite chips, chocolate and soda, and just invest it in this event.

But, why bother asking yourself if 1,300 Pesos is too much? You’re just spending unproductive resource in your brain to do some self-deliberation that usually results is more indecision. Just do it! Besides, Randell’s wife Mia is serving great food, too, just like paying for a buffet but getting a lifetime’s worth of ideas, tips and expert techniques to change your financial life around.

Set the date: Friday, September 25, 2009 at 1:30 PM.

For more details, [Click Here].