Bits and Snippets of the Philippines

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Posts Tagged ‘patrol boats

South Korea Gives Philippines 1,200-ton Coastal Defense Vessel

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South Korea is the latest military benefactor to the Philippine Navy in modernizing the latter’s antiquated fleet especially against China, the bully of Southeast Asia. Korea is donating a 1,200-ton coastal defense vessel or Corvette soon. The United States already donated two coast guard cutters while Japan is in the process of donating 10 new patrol boats.

All these are showing China that the countries friendly to the Philippines will help the latter defend itself against the ongoing aggression China has shown in relation to its intent to take over a disputed area that involves other Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam.

The Philippines already signed a deal with South Korea over the purchase of 12 Korean fighter aircrafts (FA-50s). In addition, there is a plan to buy close air support aircrafts or planes that protect soldiers on the ground.

Read more at The Wall Street Journal Blogs.

Photo from Defense Industry Daily.
